9 Keys to Kick Starting Your Health Success

2011 IsaBody Challenge® Winner Holly D.’s Tips For Fabulous Results

When 2011 IsaBody Challenge Winner Holly D. set out to transform her figure, in the process, she learned that she needed to transform her environment, too. Check out her top six tips for getting started and following through with the Challenge.

1.    Take the Challenge Seriously. Prepare each day and decide what you’re going to have for your meals and your healthy snacks. Pack a cooler with your water and snacks so you’re not tempted by the convenience store or fast food drive thru.
2.    Protect Yourself With Your Environment. Put yourself first and make decisions based on what’s best for you. When you’re first starting, avoid situations where you could make a bad decision like the movie theatre or restaurant. Clean out your fridge and pantry so those tempting foods of the past don’t get in the way of your goals. Your environment is stronger than your will power, so don’t tempt yourself.
3.    Keep an Eye on Your Portions. Get an idea of how much you’re eating by weighing and measuring your food for a week. By evaluating how many calories you’re actually taking in each meal. When I wasn’t losing as much weight one week, I’d start measuring portions and the weight would begin to come off.
4.    Get Moving. Start with walking and simple weights and once those get easy, increase your walking speed or jog. Purchase a fitness magazine for workout ideas. Remember, you have to burn 3,500 calories to lose one pound, so working out will really help.
5.   Stick With It. Be a product of the product and even as you feel great at a new size, keep setting new goals. I felt great at a size 8-10, but I knew how much better it would feel to be a size 4.*
6.    Forgive and Move Forward. Even if you splurged and had too many calories, just get back on track. Choose one meal every two weeks or so that will satisfy a craving and look forward to it.

Other Quick Ideas to Consider:

•    Sign Up For the 2011 IsaBody Challenge With a Partner. Ask your friend or family member to join the Challenge with  you so you can do it together. The person can also serve as an accountability partner to help keep you on track and encourage you if you’re going through a hard time.

•    Tune in to the Weekly IsaBody Challenge Support Program. Get tips from past winners, advice from health experts and encouragement from Clarity Life Coach and Crystal Executive Anne Palmer on a weekly basis. Visit IsaBodyChallenge.com and select the “Support” section and “Conference Calls” to download and listen to previously-recorded programs.

•    Try New, Healthy Recipes. Shake things up and try new, healthy recipes that fit your Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing lifestyle by visiting IsaProduct.com and going to the “Maintenance” section. You’ll find 400-600 calorie meal options for your Shake Days and new ways to mix up your IsaLean® Shakes for weight maintenance or weight loss.

Want even more inspiration? Check out Holly’s “before” and “after” photos and read her full story here.

*The weight-loss testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. A 2008 university study showed a statistically significant weight loss of seven pounds during the first nine days of the Cleansing and Fat Burning System.