How to Avoid the 6 Most Common Arthritis and Joint Pain Myths

If you suffer from chronic pain, especially in your joints, you’ve probably spent hours on the Internet trying to find a solution to relieving your pain and getting back to doing the things you love to do. While you will find plenty of information out there, not necessarily all of it is true or even helpful.

Getting down to the bottom of joint pain and debunking some of the more common perceptions can help you take back control of your life. You don’t have to live with common aches, pains and joint and muscle soreness.

Myth #1: Rest is Best for Chronic Joint Pain

Your natural inclination when you’re in pain is probably to take it easy and get plenty of rest. But regular exercise might be exactly what you need to manage your arthritis and other joint pain. That’s because exercise provides several benefits to your joints, bones, muscles and tendons that can help curb the pain associated with arthritis and other forms of joint pain.

You don’t have to train for a marathon or hop on the treadmill for hours on end to feel the benefits of regular exercise. Even simple range-of-motion exercises can help stretch your muscles and strengthen your bones to help provide joint pain relief. Participating in exercise classes like yoga or tai chi gets your body moving and your blood flowing, which is essential to preventing joint pain and keeping your body fresh.

Find activities you enjoy doing, then do them regularly. Start slowly. Once you get your body into a routine and get out some of the stiffness, it will come to crave and enjoy the opportunity to exercise.

Myth #2: Only Older People Suffer from Joint Pain

Sure, arthritis is associated with older people, but that doesn’t mean only senior citizens suffer from joint pain. Some people who have suffered sports injuries experience frequent joint pain. You could have chronic knee pain – like patellofemoral pain, also known as runner’s knee – as a result of tight, weak or imbalanced muscles in your thighs, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.

Hypothyroidism, or an under-active thyroid, is another condition that can cause painful and stiff joints. In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, the most common form of hypothyroidism has the potential to eventually lead to autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

Myth #3: Popping Pain Pills Is Your Only Hope for Chronic Pain

The commercials on TV featuring people reaching for the pain pills when joint pain hits may have you convinced you need to stockpile the acetaminophen the next time you have a flare-up, but there are other options. In fact, studies have shown that taking too much over-the-counter medication can not only lessen the pain-relief benefits, but also lead to medical side effects like liver damage and higher blood pressure.

Try to be open to alternative forms of pain therapy like topical pain relievers that provide relief at the point of the discomfort like the Isagenix Ageless Pain Relief™ Cream.

Myth #4: All Joint Pain is Arthritis

Just because your joints are swollen and painful doesn’t automatically mean you have arthritis. Getting to your doctor and getting down to the bottom line of your joint pain is the first step to understanding your pain. You could be suffering from a muscle or soft-tissue injury or even bursitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs that exist between tendons and bone or skin.

Also consider that there are more than 50 different types of arthritis, and not all are treated the same. Getting a proper diagnosis is paramount to finding the right kind of treatment and physical therapy for your particular type of joint pain.

Myth #5: You Don’t Need to Worry About Minor Joint Pain

Pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong with your body. Minor pain that lasts for only a day or so is probably nothing to be worried about, but when you feel aches and pains in the same part of your body – such as your hands, knees, shoulders, back or hips – it could be a sign of something more serious.

Talk to your doctor if you experience pain in any of your joints for more than a few days in a row, and especially if the pain doesn’t get better even after resting the joint for several days.

Myth #6: Certain Foods Can Trigger Joint Pain

This one is a semi-myth. It’s false that eating certain fruits and vegetables can trigger an arthritis attack. But watching what you eat and controlling your weight can make a difference.

How much weight you carry on your body can absolutely have an impact on your joint pain. If you’re carrying extra weight on your body, you’re making your joints – especially in your lower limbs and back – work harder. Come up with a plan to reduce your overall calorie intake, increase your exercise and take advantage of the Cleansing and Fat Burning Systems from Isagenix to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Realize the Power of Rejuvity™ Joint and Pain Relief System

Recurring pain shouldn’t be just a part of life. There are things you can do to lessen or even eliminate common joint pain. And there are ways to relieve the common symptoms of arthritis, which is the No. 1 cause of chronic joint pain.

Isagenix is here to help you get back to doing what you love. While other joint supplements combine only a few ingredients that work to support the joint in a singular fashion, doctor-formulated and recommended Ageless Joint Support contains a proprietary blend of scientifically-supported ingredients that provide advanced triple-action support that protects, rejuvenates and soothes the joint. The topical power of doctor-formulated Ageless Pain Relief Cream uses natural ingredients like menthol and methyl salicylate to warm and then cool your joints for long-lasting pain relief. The Rejuvity™ Joint and Pain Relief System provides topical pain relief and continued joint support.

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