Busy Mom Drops 60 Pounds, Now Keeps Up With Kids

AfterBeforeWalking on a treadmill for a mere 15 minutes used to leave Mary tired and out of breath. A regular smoker with a high-stress job and a penchant for processed foods, Mary admits that her body was not happy with her.

“I used to worry about not making it to a certain age later in life,” says the 38-year-old Arizona mom. “And seeing my kids getting older and getting into sports, I knew I’d never be able to participate with them the way I was.”

But all of that changed after a co-worker introduced Mary to Isagenix®. Though she was skeptical of what she perceived to be “just another diet,” at 240 pounds, she was willing to try the Cleansing and Fat Burning System to see if anything would happen.

After just a few Cleanse and Shake Days, Mary began to notice a difference.

“Even on my Cleanse Days, it was amazing because I had so much energy and didn’t feel hungry,” Mary says. “You just feel so good afterward.”

Now 60 pounds* lighter, she loves to run on treadmills and can even keep up with her 6-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter. She says Isagenix has not only had a dramatic impact on her weight and energy levels, but it also helped to change her family’s eating habits. At first, complaints were loud when the family’s processed, ready-to-eat boxed meals fell by the wayside and fresh vegetables were introduced.

“Isagenix got me into the habit of watching what I was consuming and since I was cooking in a healthy way for myself, my family had to do the same, too,” she says. “Now they’re used to eating healthy foods and my kids even like the IsaLean® Shakes.”

Mary is continuing to lose weight and body fat through her daily shakes, eating healthier and exercising regularly. When others ask her about her success, she tells them that Isagenix is not just about weight loss.

“Isagenix makes you feel so much better,” says Mary, “The side effect is that you lose weight because you eat better and have so much more energy.”

While she’s already lost a good deal of weight, Mary says her goal weight is still about 35 pounds away. She’s optimistic that she’ll reach it, but most importantly, she’s feeling better than she has in nearly 20 years.

Tips for Success

  • Visit the Isagenix® Web site and try some of the healthy recipes listed
  • Remember that taking Isagenix products is not simply for those who want to lose weight—it’s about improving your health.
  • Give yourself a break and just focus on maintenance every once-in-a-while.


Favorite Products

  • Vanilla IsaLean® Shakes
  • Orange Want More Energy?®
  • IsaLean® Bars

*The weight-loss testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. An unpublished 2008 university study showed a statistically significant weight loss of seven pounds during the first nine days of the Cleansing and Fat Burning System.