Challenge Winner Makes Healthy Living a Career

AfterBeforeAdam of California was an accountant who desired a more creative career so he decided to pursue a master’s degree in fine arts. Not only was he tired of budget numbers, he also couldn’t stand the numbers on the scale and his unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits.

He decided to participate in the 2007 IsaBody Challenge™ and followed the Isagenix® system while taking up an interest in fitness training. He applied what he learned about weight training to his body and sculpted it into a toned, muscular shape. Along with his fitness routine and nutritional cleansing with Isagenix, he lost 60 pounds* and has a new outlook on life.

“The best thing that happened to me as a result of the IsaBody Challenge™ is that my whole outlook on life changed. I went from being very down on myself to always smiling, being outgoing and wanting to make the world a better place,” Adam says. “I figured if I could be the example of how to change your life, I could help others do the same thing.”

Adam is still working on his master’s degree, but his passion for fitness has led him to become a personal trainer. He now uses his body as an example of what anybody can accomplish with Isagenix, fitness training and the desire to change.

“I enjoy being able to guide others to get in shape and reach their health and fitness goals,” Adam says. “I even had several clients who participated in this year’s Challenge and I really enjoyed coaching them along the way."

Tips for weight-loss and health success

  • Start a cleanse. There's no reason to try and get fit if the body isn't performing at optimal condition. I cleanse on a regular basis, as needed. I start each day with an IsaLean® Shake. I balance my meals and try not to over indulge. I have a regular exercise program and I drink lots of water.
  • Be comfortable with your body type. Know which body type you are so that you don't try to do the impossible. My body type is meso-morphic. This means that my body responds quickly to healthy eating and exercise. The other two body types have their own advantages so get to know them and use that knowledge!


Favorite Products

  • IsaCrunch™
  • IsaDelight™ because they make Cleanse Days something to look forward to.
  • Ionix® Supreme. I usually mix an ounce in my shake every morning and I don't feel so fatigued all day long.

*The weight-loss testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. An unpublished 2008 university study showed a statistically significant weight loss of seven pounds during the first nine days of the Cleansing and Fat Burning System.