Have You Cleansed Lately?

Just like we change the oil in our car, Whole-Body Nutritional Cleansing is vital for our bodies to function at their utmost.

Whether you’re looking for vibrant energy, a way to jump-start your weight-loss and health journey or you just want to mix up your routine, everyone can benefit from experiencing regular, once weekly Cleanse Days. Or, cleanse every day by taking 1 ounce of Cleanse for Life® for extra benefits!

So what does a Cleanse Day look like? Here’s a sample schedule you can follow. (We’ll use Monica as an example):

Monica’s Cleanse Day Schedule & Diary

6 a.m. Wake up and stretch

6:30 a.m.- 7 a.m. Yoga

7:30 a.m. First cleanse drink of the day. (Filled up my IsaShaker™ bottle with purified, room temperature water and then added two scoops of Natural Rich Berry Cleanse for Life powder.) Take 1 capsule Natural Accelerator with big glass of water along with A.M. packet of Ageless Essentials™ Daily Pack with Product B™ for Women.

9 a.m. Added one scoop of Ionix® Supreme powder to my water bottle for a nice boost.

10 a.m. Feeling a bit hungry. Ate two chocolate Isagenix Snacks!™ wafers

Noon Second cleanse drink of the day. (Filled up my IsaShaker™ bottle with purified, room temperature water and then added two scoops of Natural Rich Berry Cleanse for Life powder.) 

1 p.m. Craving a little something. Enjoyed 1 piece of IsaDelight Plus™. (Some days I’ll do two of these. :))

2 p.m. Third cleanse drink of the day. (Filled up my IsaShaker™ bottle with purified, room temperature water and then added two scoops of Natural Rich Berry Cleanse for Life powder.)

3:30 p.m. Feeling a bit hungry again. Took 1 capsule of Natural Accelerator and had two chocolate Isagenix Snacks!™

5:30 p.m. Making dinner for the family. Take my P.M. packet of Ageless Essentials with Product B.

6 p.m. Fourth and final cleanse drink of the day. (Filled up my IsaShaker™ bottle with purified, room temperature water and then added two scoops of Natural Rich Berry Cleanse for Life powder.)

7 p.m. Reading IsagenixHealth.net and want a snack. Grab two chocolate Isagenix Snacks! to round out the day.

8 p.m. Take two IsaFlush® capsules with a big glass of water.

10 p.m. Bedtime! (I’ll weigh in first thing in the morning to check out my results and then call my coach!)

And remember, you don’t have to be just like Monica. Schedule your Cleanse Day as you see fit, but be sure to stick with the products so you can get the most out of your Cleanse Day!

To try the 30-Day System and experience weight management results AND fuel youthful aging in your telomeres at a cellular level, order the Total Health & Longevity System™ with Product B™.

So what are you waiting for? Plan your Cleanse Day now and aim to do one every week so you can beat the extra pounds and calories this holiday season!

Visit your Back Office “My Orders” section to add the Total Health & Longevity System to your next order.