Everyone is Talking About Isagenix

Isagenix is a relatively new company, the US office opened in in 2002 and Isagenix Canada opened a little later in 2005. In this short time period  Isagenix have experienced massive growth to become a large and well respected health company and world leader in nutritional cleansing. The companies vision is to become the largest health and wellness company in the world, something which they are on track to achieve.

A Strong Foundation

Isagenix was founded by Jim Coover, Cathy Coover and John Anderson. John Anderson is one of the leading supplement formulators, creating thousands of products during his distinguished career. John and Cathy Coover have an amazing amount of experience, drive and expertise when it comes to building successful companies.

High Quality Products

The Isagenix products are unique and contain only the highest quality ingredients. All products are professionally formulated, scientifically tested, are safe to use and above all they are very effective.

High Profile Endorsements

During the last 8 years a number of very high profile Doctors, medical professionals, natural health experts, celebrities, athletes and authors have endorsed Isagenix.

Most people will have heard of best-selling authors John Gray, Ph.D (Men are from Mars) and Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Healthy Soul). Both these authors, and many others, recommend Isagenix products in their books and have helped fuel the success of the company.

A number of medical professionals have recognised the quality and performance of the Isagenix products and recommend them to their patients who are trying to lose weight or improve their health.

Continued Growth

With such high quality products, an exceptional management team and a glowing reputation in the industry the Isagenix story is set to continue for many years to come. Isagenix will continue to help thousands and thousands of people improve their health and offer them an opportunity to generate wealth by introducing others to the company.