Fall For Pumpkin Pie?

If you fall for pumpkin pie, then we have the perfect IsaLean® Shake recipe for you!

Skip the whip, the extra sugar and the calories that are in that other popular frozen pumpkin drink and savor a taste of fall with our Pumpkin Pie IsaLean Shake recipe.

All you need is your IsaLean Shake in Natural Creamy Vanilla, a can of 100% all-natural, pureed pumpkin and some Pumpkin Pie all spice and you’re ready for a taste of the season.

Check out our tasty take on a seasonal favorite and fall in love with this special treat.

Want even more recipes? You can take a look at this one on our Facebook Fan Page’s “Recipes” tab by visiting Facebook.com/Isagenix or go to Isagenix.com, select the “Product” tab and click on “Recipes.”