New Energizing Videos Available

We’re taking our videos to another level and they all help tell the Isagenix® story.

Our Enterprising Women video, available on, features stories from six moms who have experienced phenomenal business success with Isagenix while our new Own Your Future video, also available on our YouTube channel (, highlights the key things our 20-something Gen XY-ers are searching for these days.

Plus, if you’re looking for a good work out, whether it’s high-, medium-, or low-impact, our new IsaKinetix™ workout videos featuring Personal Trainer and 2-Star Golden Circle Shane F. and 2010 IsaBody Challenge® Grand Prize Winner Holly D. will get you pumped up.Visit or’s “Support” tab and take a look at the new workout videos you can share.

We’ve also uploaded a number of other new videos to our YouTube channel that provide more information on the announcements shared at 2011 New Year Kick Off, including our Executive Leadership Pools, 2011 IsaBody Challenge®, IsaDerby: Tournament of Champions and more, so be sure to visit and share them with everyone you know!