Whey-in With New Vanilla IsaPro®

Isagenix IsaProNew Vanilla IsaPro® whey protein is a must-have fiber-boosting addition for anyone  serious about losing weight and/or gaining lean muscle mass. Acquiring and maintaining enough protein in your diet is vital to overcoming stubborn weight-loss plateaus. Now available in a delicious new, no sugar-added flavor from vanilla bean extract.

Isagenix whey protein contains what we consider to be an ideal amino acid profile (high in branched-chain amino acids) and is derived from pasture-fed, small New Zealand dairy farm cows, milked according to season, free of harmful hormones and antibiotics.

A healthy diet requires high-quality, low-fat protein. IsaPro whey protein works as an antioxidant, supporting and strengthening the body’s immune system. Now available in vanilla, whey protein can be a delicious addition to your total health and wellness toolkit.

Take a look at our IsaPro Website and learn more about whey protein and decide for yourself which whey you can go – unflavored or the new vanilla!