Questions about Just-Launched Product B

If you happened to miss our 2011 “Ignite Your Future: Stay Young Forever” Celebration in San Diego, then you missed an exciting new product being formally launched—Product B™ with Antioxidants and Telomere Support. Not to worry though, because we took good notes as Isagenix Master Formulator and Founder John Anderson, along with Bill Andrews, Ph.D., and other premier telomere scientists, released the ground-breaking product. The result of pain-staking efforts and on the cutting-edge of science, Product B offers telomere support and the benefits of antioxidants so you can live a healthier, more vibrant life. We know questions are flooding everyone’s mind so we put together this information gathered from the Product B launch and question-and-answer session on Aug. 14-15, 2011. 

What is Product B and why do I need it?

Product B is an advanced dietary supplement that is designed to support longevity and healthy aging. Product B works directly within the body’s cells to combat oxidative stress caused by an overabundance of free radicals and to support telomeres, critical guardians of our DNA. Keeping telomeres healthy and long is important because their shortening is a key biomarker of the aging process.

In our modern world, unfortunately, most of us suffer from greater oxidative stress due to being overweight, malnourished, and overstressed. Greater oxidative stress leads to an increased rate of telomere shortening. Product B works to reduce the harmful effects oxidative stress has on telomere length.

Besides telomere protection, are there any other benefits?

Yes! In addition to providing telomere support, Product B was developed to improve overall health and well-being. Plenty of people have already been taking Product B and are experiencing great results. Some testimonials include:

  • Enhanced energy and stamina
  • Improved quality of sleep
  • Faster recovery after exercise
  • Better memory
  • Mental acuity

How soon can these benefits from Product B be seen?

The results will vary, but anecdotal data suggests improvement within a few days to a few weeks.

What exactly is in Product B?

The formula for Product B is complex and involves more than 26 ingredients. It’s made from a proprietary and innovative blend of safe, well-established ingredients, including botanicals that have been used safely for centuries.

Who should take Product B?

Product B should be taken by anybody who desires to be healthy well into their old age.

At what age should one start taking Product B?

While we believe that Product B would be beneficial for all ages, it is not intended for those under the age of 18.

What is the ideal dosage?

We recommend two capsules twice daily—two in the morning and two in the evening.

Should I take them with a food/shake? Can I take them on Cleanse days?

You can take Product B on an empty stomach or with food. Product B can be taken with shakes, water, Cleanse for Life, or other food.

What’s the best way to store Product B?

Like most supplements we recommend that you store Product B in a cool, dark and dry place like in a cabinet or the refrigerator.

Are there any side effects reported?

As is the case with any dietary supplement, some people may have side effects such as allergies. Any food or supplement can cause an allergic reaction if you are allergic to an ingredient in the product. If an allergy occurs, discontinue taking the product immediately.

Can pregnant and nursing moms use Product B?

We do not recommend taking any herbal supplements during pregnancy or nursing because of lack of safety documentation in these populations. Please consult your physician if you intend to take any herbal supplements.

How safe is it to take Product B after surgery?

We do not recommend taking any herbal supplements pre or post-surgery because of possible natural blood-thinning effects. Please consult your physician if you intend to take any herbal supplements.

Are there any contradictions with Product B and Blood Thinners? Immunosuppressants? Chemotherapy?

If you are on any medication or have any medical condition, consult your physician before using Product B or any other dietary supplement.

There is talk that a telomerase activator causes cancer in humans. Will this happen with Product B?

For a nutraceutical like Product B, the answer is definitely not. Telomeres have been researched and published in medical peer-reviewed journals for many years, and no study has shown that telomerase activation causes cancer.

The public perception that telomerase activation might cause cancer stems from some scientists’ speculations in the early years of telomere research.

What’s the best way to use the Isagenix system to enhance the effectiveness of Product B?

We believe Product B will provide optimal results when combined with the other Pillars of Health: IsaLean Shake, Ionix Supreme, Ageless Essentials Daily Pack, and Cleanse for Life. These “Pillars”, when used together, can help reduce oxidative stress, support nutritional needs, cleanse the body, and ensure the required balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fats.