Spread Summer Love Early With Friends & Family

Isagenix Canada PromotionSummer is sneaking up and if you want all of your friends and family members at that pool party this year, this is the perfect time to introduce Isagenix®.

Only until August 14, if your new enrollee (yes, your friend or family member included) joins Isagenix on Autoship with a qualifying system or pak,* they’ll have 45 days to help others do the same and enroll for FREE ($19 savings)!

So, if you help Cousin Jane join Isagenix on Autoship with a 30-Day Cleansing and Fat Burning System and then help her enroll Aunt Rita within 45 days on Autoship with a 30-Day System; Aunt Rita’s enrollment fee is waived ($19 savings!).

Spread the (bathing suit) love and savings this summer with our exciting Friends & Family promotion! Learn more with this quick flyer.