We’ve Got Your Info: On the Go

Your time is limited—we get that.

That’s why we’ve created special one-minute “Info On the Go” videos designed to be quick hits on some of our top products. You’ll get the information you need and best yet, you’ll get it sent straight to your mobile device!

We’ve just produced our first “Info On the Go” video featuring our Ageless Renewal Serum and you can take a look at it now. (Check it out below—it’s pretty sweet.)

Our “Info On the Go” videos will soon also be used for a special education initiative that will utilize our new phone text message marketing tool. Each week, we’ll be text messaging a new quick, video spotlighting an event, product or marketing promotion. Plus, watch for a special e-mail coming soon packed with helpful product information so you can better understand how our cutting-edge, revolutionary products address the primary health concerns out there.

To get started and receive these videos and other alerts about our hot deals, special promotions and more:

1. Simply visit the “My Profile” section of your Back Office

2. Select “View/Edit Telephone Numbers” in the dropdown menu

3. Then select the box that says “Receive SMS text messages from Isagenix.”

And don’t worry, if you decide later that you’d rather not receive the messages any longer, you can easily “opt out” by deselecting the same box.

Please take a minute right now to go to your Back Office, register your mobile number right away and spread the message in your team.

Get ready for stellar information available at your convenience!