Supporting Isagenix Customers & Associates Worldwide from Canada Since 2005

Isagenix® in Prosper Magazine

Prosper Magazine now on 1,200 newsstands nationwide.

Isagenix® is prominently featured on every page of the new Prosper magazine, which just hit newsstands this week!

While you can grab your stack of copies to share by going to, make sure you take advantage of your bragging rights and spread the word to your prospects that Isagenix is now in more than 1,200 bookstores across North America including Barnes & Noble, B. Dalton and many others.

And don’t forget— each copy of Prosper magazine includes a FREE Six Figure Makers DVD!

Visit to get your copies and make sure to encourage your prospects to check us out in Prosper magazine at your local newsstand.

We’ve fulfilled your search for the perfect sunscreen.

And packaged it with a FREE sun-visor – as a special gift to you.

Our just-launched Isa SunGuard™, SPF 30, facial sunscreen combines natural anti-aging ingredients with breakthroughs in technology, so you get optimal sun protection, while replenishing your skin. It’s a key component of our NEW age-defying Rejuvity™ product line featuring powerful nutritional products and pioneering skincare products.

Buy Isagenix in Canada

Order Isagenix direct online from Canada's #1 distributor of nutrional cleansing and fat burning programs. 

Abbey, SK                
Abbotsford, BC
Abee, AB
Acadia Valley, AB
Actinolite, ON
Admiral, SK
Aishihik, YT
Aiyansh, BC
Aklavik, NT
Akulivik, PQ
Alameda, SK
Albert Canyon, BC
Alberton, PE
Albreda, BC
Aldouane, NB
Alert, NT
Alexis Creek, BC
Alexis River, NF
Alexo, AB
Algonquin Park, ON
Alkali Lake, BC
Allan Water, ON
Allan, SK
Alonsa, MB
Alvena, SK
Amadjuak, NT
Amherst, NS
Amos, PQ

Order Isagenix by Phone

Call to order Isagenix products direct or to learn about how our associate membership account will help you save money.



Should I buy Isagenix at retail prices or sign up for an associate membership?
What's the deal with this Auto ship thing?
Is the 9 Day or 30 Day Nutritional Cleanse System right for me?
One of the great things about Isagenix is how many products and programs there are but of course this can lead to a number of questions. If you'd like to speak within Isagenix Consultant over the phone and you are in North America you can call our toll free number for support and assistance with getting started.

New, More Intuitive Business Pak Order Section Now Available

We’re always striving to make it even easier for you to navigate your Back Office and we’ve just made one more intuitive update.

Isagenix BusinessNow, when you go to your Back Office “My Orders” section to help a new enrollee sign up with Isagenix® and try a business-building pak, you’ll notice that we’ve reorganized a tab that used to be called “President’s Paks.”

We’ve just updated the category’s name to “Business Starter Paks” it now includes the Cleansing and Fat Burning Business Pak, Cleansing and Fat Burning President’s Pak, Shake and Cleanse President’s Pak. Our Pacesetter Pak also moved from the “Cleansing System and Paks” category to this new “Business Starter Paks” section.

Enjoy Sunshine and Chocolate This Holiday Season

Two new seasonal specials now available.

Bask in the healthy glow of the sun’s rays this holiday season fully protected and indulge your chocolate craving the healthy way!

SlimCakes® Pass the Dr. Oz Test

SlimCakes® passed the Dr. Oz taste test recently when the daytime Emmy Award-winning host and Vice-Chair and Professor of Surgery at Columbia University sat down with syndicated Arizona radio show hosts Johnjay and Rich.

On the Johnjay and Rich Show, Johnjay offered to let the popular doctor, dubbed “America’s Doctor” by Oprah Winfrey, try Isagenix® SlimCakes.

“I tell ya, these little things are good, these cakes,” commented Dr. Oz on the September 13 show as he was interviewed by the duo, whose show can also be heard in San Diego, Denver, Portland, Tucson, Colorado Springs and Ft.Collins.

Listen to the September 13 radio segment.

20 Tips to Carefree Isagenix Cleansing

Things to do...

1. Stay busy. Find activities to do outside of your home.

2. Enjoy a spa day with a sauna, steam room or even a massage.

3. Get your hair done with non-toxic products.

4. Write in a journal when intense emotions are being released.

5. Enjoy a hot bath with rose petals and relaxing scented oils.

6. Listen to your body. You may want to be very active on some Cleanse Days or lay low, restore, and renew yourself on others.

7. Avoid the grocery store. Do your shopping on non- Cleanse Days to avoid temptation.

8. Find a cleansing partner to help keep each other accountable and provide encouragement and support.

9. If you’re going to exercise, do so gently. Your body needs time to rest and rebuild. Try gentle stretching, short walks in the fresh air or yoga.

10. Do something during your cleanse that boosts your spirit, such as caring for a loved one or doing something kind for a stranger.

11. Not everyone is the same. Modify your cleansing schedule if needed. It’s important to give your body the nutrients it needs.